"After being severely & permanently injured in a vehicle accident in 2022 I applied & appealed for disability multiple times. I even consulted two other offices but never felt comfortable & had given up all hope after the 4th denial. I was convinced that maybe I was just not as injured as I truly felt…maybe social security saw something that I couldn’t…& I’ve always been a hard working person & would give anything to be physically able to get back into the workforce..but I just knew my body wasn’t able. So my family kept pushing me to try one more time but it was only after hearing about The injury & disability law center from my Pastor that I decided to give it one last shot! So I gave them a call in May of 2024 & within a week I had a consult with Mr. Worely. He assured me I had a good case and he and his staff would do their best to get me an approval even if it took some time. And that is exactly what they did! Miss Martha hustled & kept an open communication with me every step of the way & by December of 2024 we got the news that I was getting approved! Though I tried to remain positive I don’t think I truly believed it was really gonna happen! I could never thank everyone that had a hand in this enough! God is so abundantly faithful! I have no doubt He placed the right people in my path to make this happen! May God bless each and everyone at The Injury and Disability Law Center"

Elisianna M.